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Taupānga Puna Manawa

Interlibrary loans

Want to borrow something not in the collection? We can source it from another library in New Zealand for you.

Please note: our interlibrary loan service will be unavailable during the Christmas period, closing from 19 December 2024 and resuming 14 January 2025.

Our interlibrary loan service allows you to borrow books, newspaper and journal articles, standards, music scores, microfilm, and selected CDs and DVDs from other libraries in New Zealand and overseas.

If Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries does not have the item you would like, it may be possible that another NZ library does. The National Library’s Te Puna Search will tell you if an item is available at another NZ library.

A standard interlibrary loan charge is $8 per item. Additional charges may apply depending on the type of item you request and where it is sent to us from.

There may be additional charges depending on when you need the item by and where it is being sourced from, see below for some price guides.

International library Additional charges will be added to the interlibrary loan charge of $8.
Industrial standards from a specialist supplier A minimum of $30, depending on the supplier will be added to the interlibrary loan charge of $8.
Urgent delivery Approximately $25 for the urgent delivery fee plus the Interlibrary loan charge of $8.

Interlibrary loan request

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