Suggest a purchase - Tauranga City Libraries
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Suggest a purchase

Tell us what items you would like to see in the collection.

We welcome your suggestions for books, audiobooks, DVDs, e-books and e-audiobooks.

Before you complete the form, please consider the following:

  • Check our library catalogue to see if we already hold the item or have it on order
  • Ensure that the book you’re suggesting was published in the last five years
  • There is a limit of three recommendations per week, per person.

Our selection team will review your request. If we decide to purchase the item and you have asked us to place a hold on it for you, the item will appear in the list of holds on your library card (please note we are unable to place holds on e-books and e-audiobooks).

If we decide not to purchase the item, we’ll get in touch with you.

Suggestions may be declined for several reasons, including:

  • The publication date is older than five years
  • The item is not suitable for a public library collection
  • The item is out of print or publication has been cancelled
  • We are unable to source the item from our contracted vendors
  • For DVDs, the title may not have been released in New Zealand.

If we decide not to purchase your suggested item, we may be able to borrow it from another library on your behalf (charges apply).

Suggest a purchase

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