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Ngā Taonga

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision is the audiovisual archive for Aotearoa New Zealand. 

A collaboration between Te Ao Mārama - Tauranga City Libraries and Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision offers access to over 700 items of film, television and audio history that were made in, around, or about our region. 

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

You can access the whole list and sort and filter it to your interests by clicking on the words ‘explore local content available on our catalogue’ on the home page. 

There are pre-selected online exhibitions that you can explore from the landing page, including ‘Sellebration’, which is about vintage advertising, and ANZAC Sight and Sound’, about World War 1.

You can also search the whole of Ngā Taonga’s online catalogue by clicking the magnifying glass at the top right of the screen. Each link will open in a new tab so it's easy to find your way back to the start.

Access is free and available from anywhere.

For more information about using Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision, please email or phone (07) 577 7177 to speak to one of our Heritage & Research Team.


Tips and tricks for searching

Search Basics

  •  Do a simple search of the collections by entering your search terms and keywords into the search box, then click ‘go’. This will produce a broad result, which can then be limited by media type: Film and Video, Audio, Book, Poster, Still or Ngā Taonga website.
  • To search only items that can be viewed or listened to online, check the ‘available online’ button in the availability filter.
  • To further narrow down your search select ‘view filters’ to filter your search by year, place of production, or genre. Once you have chosen your filters, select ‘apply filters’ to apply these filters to your search.
  • When searching for a Māori word or phrase, try entering your search term both with and without macrons, e.g. Māori/Maori.

Please note that when you click on a catalogue item it will open in a new browser tab, keeping your current search results in the original tab.

Clearing your Search

To start a new search, simply click the ‘clear’ button.

Exact Phrases

If you know the person, place or search term you are looking for you can search for it by using double quotation marks – e.g. "Tauranga City Libraries."

Fuzzy Search

If you do not get enough results from your search, try using fuzzy search by putting a tilde (~) after your term. Fuzzy searching will find a word even if it is misspelled.

  •  use ~ after a word to mean ‘similar to’ – e.g. Tauranga~
  •  use ~ after a phrase to find words within a certain distance of each other – e.g. ‘angel table’~5

Boolean Search

  • Use AND, OR, NOT and parentheses to refine your searches.
  • Use AND to get results that include all your search terms – e.g. salt AND pepper will retrieve only results that contain both of these words.
  • Use OR to get results that include at least one of your search terms – e.g. Auckland OR Tāmaki.
  • Use NOT to exclude unwanted search terms – e.g. Whanganui NOT river will retrieve results that include ‘Whanganui’, but not ‘river’.
  • Use parentheses ( ) to group search terms – e.g. (cat OR dog) AND Tauranga.
  • Exact phrases and parentheses can also be used with Boolean Searches – e.g. ‘Whanganui River’ AND (Cat OR Dog).

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