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He pitopito kōrero mō ngā kaupapa Māori ki tō tātou Wharepukapuka. Find out more about our Māori focused content and offerings. 

Ngā kaupapa o te wā

Kaupapa Māori i te Wharepukapuka

Kawhe Whawhe


He reo Māori tāu? Kei te kimi koe i tētahi wāhi anō ki te kōrero Māori?
Koinei te kaupapa tika māu!

Outside of wānanga and marae it can feel difficult to find a safe space to use and speak Te Reo Māori. The library is here for you.

Kawhe-whawhe is an initiative aimed to provide learners and proficient speakers of Te Reo with a comfortable environment to share whakaaro, have fun, play games, learn something new and kōrero with each other in Te Reo.

Some activities included are- wānanga whakatauki, kahoot, wetewete kōrero, learn sentence structures, learning games and just have a kōrero!

Hot beverages and biscuits provided.

No bookings are required.

So come along, have a kōrero and meet new people

E ngā kākā waha nui, e ngā manu pīkoko ki te reo rangatira, nau kake mai nau haere mai ki te whakawhiti kōrero, ki te tākaro i ngā kēmu māori me te wānanga i ngā kaupapa maha

Tukua tō reo kia rere!

View the Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori page for times and locations

He kēmu mā ngā ākonga o te reo Māori – Games for te reo Māori learners

Ā tātou pukapuka

Tides of Kawhia

Ingoa (Name) :Tuoi Spencer
Pukapuka (Book): Tides of Kawhia
Momo (Genre): Novel, historical fiction

Whakaaro (Thoughts):

This book was recommended to me many years ago from a close cousin of mine Tania Ropata. At the time, I was learning Te Reo Māori at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki and really struggling to get a grasp on “tirohanga Māori” or an old world view, and this book really helped me.

There are many books out there but ‘Tides of Kawhia’, the people in it, the troubles they endured and the places they inhabited really resonated with me. I think if you have any whakapapa to Raukawa, Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāti Toarangatira then this is definitely a book you should read.

This is part one of a 3 part series, the 2nd book- ‘Pathway to Taranaki’ and the the 3rd – ‘Shadows of Kapiti’. The setting is precolonial Aotearoa and in my opinion Tom O’connor does an amazing job describing New Zealand’s natural landscapes and all that walk ,fly and swim within them. The story follows a fictional character who grows alongside the famous Te Rauparaha and joins him on his expeditions to the south. Overall, this is a great read with lots of historical descriptions of Māori warfare and the complexities of the time. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Māori culture, especially if you're tired of reading early accounts written by biased missionaries and colonial invaders.

Author: Joy Leaming

Categories: Ā tātou pukapukaNumber of views: 3182


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